Sports betting

The right to offer sports betting is not subject to any numerical restriction in Austria. The federal states are responsible for regulating, supervising and issuing licences. This means that nine different legal norms must be observed within the federal territory.

Online betting is regulated only in a few federal states, which do not address the needs of the online market properly. Taxation is set at 2% of the stakes. In addition, the question in which federal states social betting (i.e. betting on events other than sport events) is permissible is not conclusively regulated, which also leads to considerable legal uncertainty .

The new regulation of the online sports betting sector is therefore urgently needed. Read below what the OVWG wants to achieve in terms of the new regulation of online gambling and online sports betting.

Our goals..

Digitisation requires action: new regulation necessary

“Progressing digitisation requires action in the form of new regulation. A future-oriented legal regulation strengthens the digital competence of Austria as a location for business and innovation. Online providers invest over 50 million euros annually in Austrian sport. In addition, with more than 1000 jobs and taxes in the three-digit million range, you make a significant contribution to value creation in Austria. OVWG is committed to ensuring that these investments in Austria are maintained and increased through new regulation.

